Regenerative Agriculture in Mexico Boosts Yields While Restoring Nature

Now, an unlikely alliance of conservationists, farmers and cattle ranchers is working to incorporate 2.5 million hectares (6.2 million acres) of land into sustainable management schemes, focusing on soil health and aiming to restore and reforest 1.4 million hectares (3.5 million acres).

Regenerative Agriculture: From Aspiration to Company Standard

Over the past three years, 12Tree has dedicated significant time and resources to answering these very questions. And though we feel we are just beginning on this journey, we have been delighted with the results. It is our pleasure to share with you here our thoughts and experiences on regenerative agriculture.

Productores de mezcal reciclan los desechos que genera esta bebida espirituosa

En la misma medida en que se dispara la demanda por esta tradicional bebida espirituosa, crece la montaña de desechos generada en su producción. Quienes la producen ven soluciones creativas y sustentables. Algunos productores e investigadores están generando soluciones ingeniosas para reutilizar todo este desecho.

How Mezcal Makers Recycle the Spirit’s Vast Waste

Most farmers wait from six to eight years for the agave to mature before they ferment it, not touching the leaves until then. Earlier pruning, provides cattle feed in this interim, says Frías, who also directs The Billion Agave Project, an initiative by Regeneration International, a United States-based nonprofit focused on regenerative agriculture and land management.

‘Regenerative’ Farming: AOC’s Over-Hyped Climate Change Solution

Politicians have a complicated relationship with science. When they think the evidence comports with their political goals, they love scientists and the work that they do. However, when their ideology clashes with the data, our representatives twist themselves in knots to avoid conforming their views to the facts. Case in point, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tweeted the following comments about regenerative agriculture...

The post ‘Regenerative’ Farming: AOC’s