Qué se necesita para lograr la agricultura regenerativa

En la actualidad es urgente mitigar dicha situación y procurar el bienestar de los campos. Una alternativa para hacerlo es capacitando a los agricultores y transformando la agricultura común por una en la que se vigilen todos los recursos. De esto se trata la agricultura regenerativa. 

Degradación del suelo: Esfuerzos para restaurar el suelo echan raíces en América Latina

América Latina es una de las zonas más afectadas por la degradación del suelo. La Convención de Naciones Unidas para la Lucha contra la Desertificación (UNCCD) señala que el subcontinente está envuelto en un “círculo vicioso de sobreexplotación de suelos, degradación, aumento de la demanda productiva y de la inseguridad alimentaria”. 

6 Must-Watch Regenerative Documentaries Soil Lovers Globally Should See

Have you ever sat back and thought about the dirt beneath your feet?  Ever wondered what goes on deep in the ground, below the surface?  If so, then these documentaries are for you.  Discover a world of soil under your feet as you immerse yourself into 6 different documentaries that explore a specific category involving […]

10 Things You Can Do in 2022 to Think More About Soil And Food

This is the year to discover secrets of the soil and to savour bounty unfolding. It’s the time to get out of ruts and sink your hands and feet into new depths of knowing the earth’s endless creativity and possibilities. Whether you’re plopped on a small plot of land or plodding through too many acres, […]

Science Webinar provided novel research results on soil, carbon sequestration and water protection

Regenerative agricultural practices that control soil structure and hydrology can play part in both climate change mitigation through carbon sequestration and water protection through minimizing nutrient runoffs. Carbon Action Science webinar on Soil, carbon sequestration and water protection on 9th of March 2021 gathered around 200 participants from different backgrounds and countries around the topic.... Read more »