Regenerative farming on Carbon Action farms

Regenerative farming and its effects on soil health are monitored on a hundred Carbon Action farms. The farmers on these pilot farms have already gained experience in regenerative and carbon farming methods for several growing seasons. image/svg+xml Improving profitability Jari Eerola, who owns Setälä-Eerola Farm, got involved in the Carbon Action collaboration in 2018. He […]

Artikkeli Regenerative farming on Carbon Action farms julkaistiin ensimmäisen kerran Baltic Sea Action Group.

Qvidja farm is a lighthouse for Carbon Action research

Qvidja Farm develops agriculture and conducts Carbon Action research and training. It aims to create a food production system that is good for the Baltic Sea, the climate, biodiversity, and people. Researching and developing regenerative farming The land has been cultivated for more than a thousand years at Qvidja Farm, which is owned by Ilkka […]

Artikkeli Qvidja farm is a lighthouse for Carbon Action research julkaistiin ensimmäisen kerran Baltic Sea Action Group.

Qvidja farm is a beacon for Carbon Action research

Qvidja Farm develops agriculture and conducts Carbon Action research and training. It aims to create a food production system that is good for the Baltic Sea, the climate, biodiversity, and people. Researching and developing regenerative farming The land has been cultivated for more than a thousand years at Qvidja Farm, which is owned by Ilkka […]

Artikkeli Qvidja farm is a beacon for Carbon Action research julkaistiin ensimmäisen kerran Baltic Sea Action Group.

Mainstreaming regenerative agriculture by training agricultural advisors in soil health – experiences from Finland

Agricultural advisors play a key role in transferring new information to farmers and helping them to implement it. Training agricultural advisors in soil health eliminates a major bottleneck in the process of mainstreaming regenerative agriculture. The first advisors in Finland to specialise in soil management and carbon farming completed an in-depth training organised by the […]

Artikkeli Mainstreaming regenerative agriculture by training agricultural advisors in soil health – experiences from Finland julkaistiin ensimmäisen kerran Baltic Sea Action Group.

La muerte de los suelos y el cambio climático

La agricultura convencional difundida por la “revolución verde”, con arado y agroquímicos, está acabando con la vida orgánica de los suelos y llevando a la desertificación de dos tercios de la superficie del planeta. Las consecuencias son múltiples. Lee este artículo para aprender todo acerca de este problema.

Join your colleagues in Helsinki – collaboration for healthy and carbon-rich agricultural soils in Northern Europe

3 days, colleagues from all over Northern Europe, 12 keynote speeches, 2 field trips, tens of posters, panel discussions, and countless opportunities to connect and gain new insights – all with the purpose of boosting soil carbon sequestration and scaling up regenerative, carbon-storing agriculture. That’s some of what’s offered in Helsinki on 6–8 June 2023 […]

Artikkeli Join your colleagues in Helsinki – collaboration for healthy and carbon-rich agricultural soils in Northern Europe julkaistiin ensimmäisen kerran Baltic Sea Action Group.