Agricultura regenerativa: con el claro objetivo de regenerar el suelo y el entorno

La agricultura regenerativa ha ido tomando fuerza como una opción productiva sustentable, basada principalmente en suelos vivos con una alta capacidad para captar carbono de la atmósfera. Recientemente, en Chile se ha formado el Grupo Fruticultura Regenerativa, con el objetivo de incorporar sus conceptos principales en la producción nacional. Al año 2030, un 30% de la superficie regada del país podría trabajarse de esta manera.

Regenerative Agriculture Seen As Answer to Averting Africa’s Growing Food Crisis

A vicious circle of unsustainable farming, which exacerbates climate change and leads to further extreme weather events, is behind the degradation of Africa’s soils. Western farming techniques, which may have yielded crops and vast profits for the last century or more, are now being found wanting, as more and more inputs are needed to repair soils that have become barren and eroded.

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Actividad ganadera en la Ciudad de México requiere prácticas que eviten deterioro ambiental

Cada vez es mayor la presión demográfica en la Ciudad de México (CDMX), razón por la cual es de suma importancia regular las actividades agropecuarias que se realizan en la metrópoli para cuidar su suelo de conservación y las áreas naturales protegidas, pues brindan a la población importantes servicios ecosistémicos, consideraron los investigadores de la Facultad de Estudios Superiores (FES) Cuautitlán de la UNAM, Juan Carlos Escobedo Alcántara y Elein Hernández Trujillo.

Big Food Companies Commit to ‘regenerative Agriculture’ but Skepticism Remains

The food system accounts for a third of global greenhouse gas emissions and the private sector largely controls that system. Corporations, including Mars and PepsiCo, have made commitments to net zero greenhouse gas emissions. But the industry is inextricably tied to emissions, with an enormous, multi-million ton carbon footprint. Part of that stems from rampant deforestation. The corporate food industry also relies heavily on plastic packaging — another big source of emissions

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Regenerative Agriculture Is Anything but “just Business”

Having attended the first Regenerative Food System Investment Forum in 2019, one thing was clear during this year’s event – capital holders are spending less time asking why they should deploy capital in the space and focusing more on how and where they should deploy capital. 

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Regenerative Agriculture – Let Nature Work for You

Mike Bretz of North Liberty started the journey toward regenerative agriculture three years ago. Bretz Farms is practicing 100% no-till. They grow 120 acres of non-GMO corn; 120 acres of soybeans; 120 acres of oats, wheat or rye; and 80 acres of pasture and hay with a multi-species cover crop between the rotations. They also have a 60-head cow/calf herd in a grass-fed operation.

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