Identifican Agricultura y CIMMYT mejores prácticas agrícolas en zonas tropicales del sureste

A través de la iniciativa Cultivos para México y el acompañamiento de los bienes y servicios públicos se instalaron plataformas en las que se evalúan y promueven prácticas como la agricultura de conservación, labranza cero, conservación de residuos agrícolas en superficie y rotaciones de maíz y frijol de mata.

Regenerative Agriculture – Let Nature Work for You

Mike Bretz of North Liberty started the journey toward regenerative agriculture three years ago. Bretz Farms is practicing 100% no-till. They grow 120 acres of non-GMO corn; 120 acres of soybeans; 120 acres of oats, wheat or rye; and 80 acres of pasture and hay with a multi-species cover crop between the rotations. They also have a 60-head cow/calf herd in a grass-fed operation.

The post Regenerative Agriculture –

Why African Groups Want Agroecology at Centre of Cop27 Climate Adaptation Talks

African groups believe that with more than 200 million people undernourished every year in Africa and given the harmful effects of industrial agriculture coupled with slow progress towards food security attributed to climate change, there is a need to change course and adopt a more sus-tainable farming system.

Renaming Regenerative Agriculture Could Open Doors

SHOULD the term ‘regenerative agriculture’ be changed to encourage more growers to adopt the practices encompassed within the emerging industry? This was the topic that was debated by speakers during the University of Western Australia Public Policy Institute’s recent webinar, Sustainable food systems: food production & security in a changing climate.

Managing Plant Surplus Carbon to Generate Soil Organic Matter in Regenerative Agriculture

Soil degradation is a global problem. A third of the planet’s land is already severely degraded, and soil is being degraded at a speed that threatens the health of the planet and the civilizations that depend on it. Reversing soil degradation is a top global priority.