Reginaldo Haslett-Marroquín Receives the 2022 Eco-Ag Achievement Award

Reginaldo Haslett-Marroquín was presented with the 2022 Eco-Ag Achievement Award on Wednesday, Dec. 8, at the Eco-Ag Conference & Trade Show in Covington, Kentucky. The Eco-Ag Achievement Award is given out annually in early December by Acres U.S.A., the Voice of Eco-Agriculture, to a practicing leader in the eco-agriculture industry.

Monthly Newsletter – Vía Orgánica

We completed a new cycle of seasons and despite the climatic irregularities, an increase in the amount of soil inoculated and recovered after rainfall is perceived, which is stored more thanks to the organic matter added throughout the farm. This encourages active microbiology and with it, grasslands and forest areas have been restored, increasing the amount of biomass each year allowing its transformation into proteins such as eggs, lamb, duck and rabbit meat, increasing the soil's capacity as a store and water sponge, CO2 capture, among other benefits.

Regenerative Agriculture Seen As Answer to Averting Africa’s Growing Food Crisis

A vicious circle of unsustainable farming, which exacerbates climate change and leads to further extreme weather events, is behind the degradation of Africa’s soils. Western farming techniques, which may have yielded crops and vast profits for the last century or more, are now being found wanting, as more and more inputs are needed to repair soils that have become barren and eroded.

The post Regenerative Agriculture Seen As Answer to Averting Africa’s

Big Food Companies Commit to ‘regenerative Agriculture’ but Skepticism Remains

The food system accounts for a third of global greenhouse gas emissions and the private sector largely controls that system. Corporations, including Mars and PepsiCo, have made commitments to net zero greenhouse gas emissions. But the industry is inextricably tied to emissions, with an enormous, multi-million ton carbon footprint. Part of that stems from rampant deforestation. The corporate food industry also relies heavily on plastic packaging — another big source of emissions

The post Big Food Companies Commit to ‘regenerative Agriculture’ but

Silvopastoreo, alternativa para producir carne y leche bajas o neutras en carbono

Reducir las emisiones de metano producido por el ganado, y a la vez ofrecerle al mercado nacional e internacional una carne libre de emisiones de carbono en todo su proceso productivo, será posible gracias a la iniciativa de docentes y estudiantes de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia (UNAL) Sede Medellín.

Regeneration International formará parte de la Cumbre global para la reparación de la tierra

Queremos invitarles a que sean parte de esta “Cumbre global de reparación de la Tierra.” Es cada vez más evidente la urgencia del problema pero a la par, existen soluciones que ya están siendo implementadas, muchas de ellas basándose en conocimientos ancestrales.…