Towards A Sustainable Agriculture: Living Soil

Towards a Sustainable Agriculture The Living Soil by Lady Eve Balfour The following is the text of the paper exactly as given by Lady Eve Balfour at the IFOAM Conference of 1977. In order to set the scene for this historic conference, and for the benefit of the younger participants, I think it might be […]

A statement by companies in the finnish food industry: regenerative agriculture should also be promoted by political decision making

Companies are working extensively to promote regenerative farming in domestic food production. However, a comprehensive change also requires political efforts. Carbon Action corporate partners are calling for concrete measures from policymakers to promote regenerative agriculture throughout the food system. Food companies support comprehensive measures to promote a more sustainable food system, to increase Finland’s security […]

Artikkeli A statement by companies in the finnish food industry: regenerative agriculture should also be promoted by political decision making julkaistiin ensimmäisen kerran Baltic Sea Action Group.

Sinebrychoff continues to protect the Baltic Sea with its third Commitment and shows direction as a pioneer of regenerative agriculture in the brewing industry 

The central theme of Sinebrychoff’s third Baltic Sea Commitment is regenerative agriculture with strong links to our surface waters and the Baltic Sea. Sinebrychoff aims to remain a pioneer of regenerative agriculture in the brewing industry.  With its third commitment to the Baltic Sea, Sinebrychoff implements the sustainability targets published by its parent company Carlsberg […]

Artikkeli Sinebrychoff continues to protect the Baltic Sea with its third Commitment and shows direction as a pioneer of regenerative agriculture in the brewing industry  julkaistiin ensimmäisen kerran Baltic Sea Action Group.

Maximizing Photosynthesis and Root Exudates through Regenerative Agriculture to Increase Soil Organic Carbon to Mitigate Climate Change

To shift from a significant emitter to a major mitigator of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, agriculture needs to change from the current dominant paradigm of chemically intensive, industrial/conventional systems to regenerative systems by focusing on plant biology and living soil sciences. Going to renewables is not enough now and this is why carbon dioxide removal through increasing soil carbon by scaling up best practice regenerative agriculture is critical to keeping the temperature rise below 1.5ºC.

The Organic Sector Must Respond to Regenerative Momentum

“Regenerative” has momentum. New partnerships, organizations, finance tools and certifications pop up daily. Those of us who have been working to promote regenerative organic practices for decades — including the organic pioneers at Rodale Institute who coined the term “regenerative agriculture” in the 80s — can rejoice.

Tendencias en Alimentos 2023: ¿Qué y cómo comeremos en el futuro?

El estudio de las tendencias alimentarias son herramientas útiles para comprender el cambio social y proporcionan orientación cuando los hábitos comportamentales de los consumidores sorprenden al mercado con nuevas necesidades y expectativas. En este sentido, actualmente se pueden observar tres tendencias alimentarias con especial fuerza.

Our Global Regeneration Revolution: Organic 3.0 to Regenerative and Organic Agriculture

We have a lot of work to do. We are currently living well beyond our planetary boundaries and extracting far more than our planet can provide. We need to build the new regenerative system that will replace the current degenerate system.

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