International Soil Award Recognition for Carbon Action work

Systemic change in the field of agriculture is in progress globally (read more on recent blog). Co-operation and co-development with international regenerative agriculture networks is important for Carbon Action. Carbon Action has been well noticed as part of the forerunner networks. One indication of that was the Land and Soil Management Award ’Diploma of Recognition’ that Carbon... Read more »

For your inspiration: Sabarmatee

Permaculture Womens Guild

A woman and her father gathered their know-how, investments and time, and turned 90 acres into a lush edible forest. Here’s their story. “Every expert we met discouraged us to take up this mission. No one believed that we could revive such a wasteland through organic methods. But, we made the impossible eventually possible.” A piece of land in Odisha was deteriorating fast, after decades of soil abuse from pesticides, fertilizers and deforestation, it was thought impossible to regenerate it. This father-daughter duo thought that was highly likely to regenerate it with the right measures. Broadly speaking, we’ve seen this…