Permies of the world unite!

Permaculture Womens Guild

A manifesto for an internationalist permaculture movement By Becky Ellis Migration, the movement of people over landscapes, is, arguably, one of the defining characteristics of our species. Humans have moved over landscapes in search of food and other resources since before we were a species. And yet in our deeply capitalist society, the movement of most humans is severely restricted and criminalized. Recently, there has been an increase in racist xenophobia throughout Europe, Canada, Australia, and the United States including the rise of far-right hate groups, anti-immigrant nationalist political parties, and governments who criminalize migrants. In the United States, Trump…

Reasons to be fearful

Permaculture Womens Guild

By Gudrun Cartwright At the weekend I was out cycling in the New Forest. It was a beautiful day and all was well with my world. As I relaxed into the ride, I realised that I often seem to be fearful and rarely (if ever) my fears are realised. On this particular day I was fearful of passing other cyclists on narrow paths. Cars driving too close to me. Going too fast down hills. Struggling to get back up the hills. Skidding on gravel and falling off. Getting stuck in a cattle grid. Being slow. So many things intruded on…

How to combat writer’s anxiety: top tips from permaculture women writers.

Permaculture Womens Guild

Writing makes my stomach hurt. By Laura Bee I love writing. I’ve always wanted to be a writer. And I’m good at it. A few weeks ago, I landed a writing gig as an Editorial Intern for the Permaculture Women’s Guild. And with that gig came a flood of opportunities to publish my writing in a community of women whom I respect and admire. But those women also intimidate me, and a familiar anxiety is creeping in about sharing my work. I have found great comfort and understanding in being open about this anxiety. For the most part, when I share…