
Permaculture Womens Guild

after the dark night the rooster announces the light By Ginkgo Biloba I remember well a sunset from more than two years ago. I was sitting around the fire, on the shore of a dreamlike lake and was surrounded by a group of people that were new to me. We were all listening to this white-bearded, wise man speaking. The man, a well known German-American ethnobotanist, was retelling beautiful tales and bringing symbols, myths and ancient wisdom to light. How does this relate to me? To us? Right now? Well, going through Stuff, I recall his words (as best as…

12 Plants to Grow When Gardening with Children

Permaculture Womens Guild

By Heather Jo Flores By no means an exhaustive selection of great plants for gardening with children, the following twelve plants can all be direct-sown, grow quickly and easily, and are fun to harvest for food, cut flowers, or seeds.​Corn.Popcorn is always a hit with children, and many varieties grow quite well in a home garden. There is also a vast array of interesting Indian corns available, in a rainbow of beautiful colors. Sweet corn is another option, and nothing compares to a fresh ear right out of the garden as a refreshing snack on a September day. Gourds.Small gourds…

Ten Medicinal Flowers that I always plant in every garden

Permaculture Womens Guild

By Heather Jo Flores I am primarily a food gardener, but there are a handful of flowering medicinal plants that I always include in my garden. Not only useful for home remedies, they provide beautiful cut flowers, improve soil and attract beneficial insects. Many of the plants listed here are commonly bred and crossbred to produce ornamental variations, so be sure to note the species and choose the non-hybrid option. Ten Medicinal Flowers to Grow ​Here are my 10 favorite medicinal flowers and some tips on how to grow and use them. Angelica (Angelica archangelica)A tall, self-seeding biennial that smells amazing…