The Nitrogen Problem in Agriculture

The manufacture of synthetic fertiliser is highly energy intensive. One kg of nitrogen fertiliser requires the energy equivalent of 2 litres of diesel. Energy used during fertiliser manufacture was equivalent to 191 billion litres of diesel in 2000 and is projected to rise to 277 billion in 2030. This is a major contributor to climate change, yet largely ignored.

Qué se necesita para lograr la agricultura regenerativa

En la actualidad es urgente mitigar dicha situación y procurar el bienestar de los campos. Una alternativa para hacerlo es capacitando a los agricultores y transformando la agricultura común por una en la que se vigilen todos los recursos. De esto se trata la agricultura regenerativa. 

Farmers in Mexico Fight Coffee Disease With Resistant Varieties and Agroforestry

Indigenous Mixe farmers in Mexico’s Sierra Norte highlands are testing dozens of coffee varieties and developing agroforestry systems in order to combat coffee leaf rust, a fungal disease that spread to the region and devastated coffee production.