How to Compost Your Pain

Permaculture Womens Guild

By Dido Dunlop (part of a talk at our New Zealand Permaculture gathering 2015, exploring how we can apply Nature’s ecosystems model to human relationships, to create a resilient way to live; it’s a contribution to Social Permaculture) What do we do with emotions that feel bad? How do we turn our miseries into rich nourishing resources, into love and constructive action? When we try to throw things out that smell bad, they don’t go away. That applies to emotions as much as food scraps and poo. We put our ‘waste’ in the compost heap so as not to waste…

Reasons to be cheerful

Permaculture Womens Guild

By Gudrun Cartwright Reasons to be cheerful In my life, I find it so easy to dwell on what’s wrong. To angst over the small things. But if I actually stop and reflect on what is good about life, there’s a lot to be thankful for. So, following up my ‘reasons to be fearful’ post, I want to rebalance the energy by turning my attention to why I often feel positive and optimistic. These may not all apply to you, but would love to hear if you have other thoughts to add. 1. I’m here This may sound trite, but…

Living on the Edges

Permaculture Womens Guild

One of the many things that I connect with in permaculture, is that ‘edges are where the action is’. I have spent my whole life living on the edge, never quite fitting in. Is it possible that this could be the right place to settle? Learn to feel good, unleash my creativity and achieve more impact than if I jumped either way? By Gudrun Cartwright This is both an exciting and a terrifying prospect. If the potential is so huge, living my own truth by learning to harness energy from surfing edges feels right. It is so easy to stay safe,…

How to combat writer’s anxiety: top tips from permaculture women writers.

Permaculture Womens Guild

Writing makes my stomach hurt. By Laura Bee I love writing. I’ve always wanted to be a writer. And I’m good at it. A few weeks ago, I landed a writing gig as an Editorial Intern for the Permaculture Women’s Guild. And with that gig came a flood of opportunities to publish my writing in a community of women whom I respect and admire. But those women also intimidate me, and a familiar anxiety is creeping in about sharing my work. I have found great comfort and understanding in being open about this anxiety. For the most part, when I share…