Somos Naturaleza

Permaculture Womens Guild

Interiorizando nuestro ecosistema interior By Rosaura Ruiz Parece una cosa bastante obvia, pero que si la entendemos verdaderamente (no con la mente, sino con las entrañas) promete abrir muchas puertas que mantenemos cerradas en nuestro interior y que piden ser abiertas: somos Naturaleza. Nacimos de ella y por ella, formamos parte de ella, y cada célula de nuestro cuerpo es Naturaleza por derecho propio. Incluso si vivimos en ciudades y llevamos vidas tecnológicamente avanzadas, no engañamos a nadie: somos Naturaleza. En la civilización occidental actual, moldeada desde hace siglos por el capitalismo-patriarcado, hemos perdido gran parte del contacto con lo…

The Small Beauties and The Universe of Wonders

Permaculture Womens Guild

By Luiza Oliveira By the Spontaneously Creative Plants and a Human Hello, Little Flower. Hello, “Giant” Person. I didn’t see you here a few days ago. Are you new to the area? Hahaha! New? You are so cute. I am older than your entire kind, nevertheless, I guess I look fresh to your naïve eyes…What about putting the time aside and play together today? Because tomorrow you won’t see me, and you will think that I am gone. Every time I enter a space I first perceive its general feelings around it, but it doesn’t take me too long to find…

What do weeds indicate about your soil?

Permaculture Womens Guild

By Heather Jo Flores What Weeds Indicate About the Condition of Your Soil “Weeds are weeds only from our human egotistical point of view, because they grow where we do not want them. In nature, however, they play an important and interesting role. They resist conditions that cultivated plants cannot resist, such as drought, acid soil, lack of humus, mineral deficiencies, as well as a one-sidedness of minerals, etc. They are witness of man’s failure to master the soil, and they grow abundantly wherever man has ‘missed the train’ — they only indicate our errors and nature’s corrections. Weeds want to tell a…

How to grow melons: tips and tricks

Permaculture Womens Guild

By Heather Jo Flores a little ingenuity goes a long way If you’re a gardener and you feel like melons are easy to grow, please, message me! I want to learn your methods. I have found this crop to be one of the most challenging of annual vegetables. If it were anything else, I’d probably have given up by now. But nothing can replace the sweet sticky pleasure of a summer afternoon spent eating a perfectly ripe garden-fresh melon. I tried a dozen different varieties of melons, and grew them in twice as many ways, and sometimes all I got was…

Plant a Living Playhouse with Sunflowers

Permaculture Womens Guild

By Heather Jo Flores Grow a place for the kids to play! It’s the middle of May and time to plant sunflowers! There are many beautiful varieties to choose from, and they are easy to grow — just work up a spot in the soil, poke some holes with your fingers, and toss the seeds inside. Generally, the more space you leave between them, the larger the sunflowers will grow. My favorite varieties are the Tarahumara heirlooms, with their giant white-seeded flowers and multi-headed, long-living plants. If you have kids, try growing a living playhouse out of sunflowers and scarlet runner beans. Even…