Sowing Ideas

Permaculture Womens Guild

A perspective on how to care for the nature and the biodiversity within and around us.

Archetypes and the power to transform

Permaculture Womens Guild

By Priya Logan I previously wrote a post about identifying and even celebrating your “inputs and outputs”, as a human that is a complicated, sometimes fun and organic practice. That is unless you just think of it as a put food and water in — -> get waste out. Of course, we all know that much of what makes us energised and fulfilled is a bit more ephemeral than that — that is once we are able to easily meet those basic needs. It’s also good to also take a moment regularly to acknowlege our wealth if we have no subsistence problems. I have…

Buddhist Meditation and Regenerative Culture

Permaculture Womens Guild

By Dido Dunlop Our hearts and outer world grow hearty together To restore Mother Nature, and grow tomatoes in our cities, we must redesign our inner gardens. New ways will only hold strong if we regenerate our inner culture too. What are our inner tomatoes? In meditation we cultivate all sorts of interesting plants in mind and heart. Kindness, love for life, resilience, humour, steadiness through trouble. Mother Nature’s Elements I’m a meditation teacher and climate activist. I grew up in the New Zealand bush. I began meditating to find the ‘bush’ feeling in the city. My first teacher taught us to…