The Science-based Evidence to Ban Glyphosate and GMOs

Mexico announced that it was phasing out the use of glyphosate herbicides, the cultivation of GMO corn, and the import of GMO corn for human consumption and livestock feed by the end of 2024. The reasons for the decree given by Mexican president Andrés Manuel López Obrador are to protect the health of Mexico’s consumers and small-scale farmers, the environment, and the purity of Mexico’s native corn varieties.

Maximizing Photosynthesis and Root Exudates through Regenerative Agriculture to Increase Soil Organic Carbon to Mitigate Climate Change

To shift from a significant emitter to a major mitigator of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, agriculture needs to change from the current dominant paradigm of chemically intensive, industrial/conventional systems to regenerative systems by focusing on plant biology and living soil sciences. Going to renewables is not enough now and this is why carbon dioxide removal through increasing soil carbon by scaling up best practice regenerative agriculture is critical to keeping the temperature rise below 1.5ºC.

Our Global Regeneration Revolution: Organic 3.0 to Regenerative and Organic Agriculture

We have a lot of work to do. We are currently living well beyond our planetary boundaries and extracting far more than our planet can provide. We need to build the new regenerative system that will replace the current degenerate system.

The post Our Global Regeneration Revolution: Organic 3.0 to

Imagining A Greater Organic Reset

OCA and its allies worldwide are dedicated to addressing critical issues of climate change, soil health, biodiversity, water pollution and scarcity, nutrition, environmental contamination, deteriorating public health, forced migration, economic justice, and rural economic development. But what do we need to do to make this goal a practical reality? What would an “Organic Greater Reset” look like.

Trinational Announcement of Peasant Organizations, Farmers, Environmentalists, Unions, Churches, Social Activists, Academics and Journalists From Our Three Countries

The transnational corporations and business organizations that benefit from GM corn and biocides such as glyphosate are strongly pressuring the Mexican government (with support from the U.S. government) to renounce its right to food sovereignty and walk away from the international commitments assumed by the three governments in the "Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework," which is the strategic plan for the implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity in the period 2022-2030, intended to contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.

The Myth of No-Till: The Future is Regenerative Organic Agriculture

We have enough high-quality studies now to show that Regenerative Organic Agriculture has the highest yields and the best increases in soil organic carbon. Scaling up Regenerative Organic Agriculture can reverse climate change, increase biodiversity, improve water capture and retention, stop soil loss, be more profitable for farmers and ranchers, and very significantly nourish the world with high yields of healthy non-toxic food.

Monthly Newsletter – Vía Orgánica

We completed a new cycle of seasons and despite the climatic irregularities, an increase in the amount of soil inoculated and recovered after rainfall is perceived, which is stored more thanks to the organic matter added throughout the farm. This encourages active microbiology and with it, grasslands and forest areas have been restored, increasing the amount of biomass each year allowing its transformation into proteins such as eggs, lamb, duck and rabbit meat, increasing the soil's capacity as a store and water sponge, CO2 capture, among other benefits.