Women Voices from Global South Discussing Food Sovereignty and  Climate Change at COP 27

During COP 27, a group of women from Abya Yala raised their firm and deep voices to speak up about food sovereignty in regions that are so different and yet alike as America and Africa. The talk was organized by Regeneration International and OMANIAP.

Wrapping Up COP27

Sponsored by companies such as Coke, with a presidency held by a military government that severely represses its citizens (in a holiday resort far away from the realities of the Egyptian people) we were never going to expect much from the outcome of COP27 to shift the international community away from its business-as-usual pattern.

Is Paludiculture a Solution to Organic Soil Emissions? Highlights from the Ruukki Field Day

Researchers, farmers, companies, and policy-makers came together at Ruukki research station on a warm and sunny day in August to learn about the agricultural management of peat soils and how to reduce their environmental impact. The focus of the day was on research, outreach, and politics. Elisa Vainio from the BSAG summarizes some of the […]

Artikkeli Is Paludiculture a Solution to Organic Soil Emissions? Highlights from the Ruukki Field Day julkaistiin ensimmäisen kerran Baltic Sea Action Group.

The Nitrogen Problem in Agriculture

The manufacture of synthetic fertiliser is highly energy intensive. One kg of nitrogen fertiliser requires the energy equivalent of 2 litres of diesel. Energy used during fertiliser manufacture was equivalent to 191 billion litres of diesel in 2000 and is projected to rise to 277 billion in 2030. This is a major contributor to climate change, yet largely ignored.

Blog: Multiple perspectives on advancing soil carbon sequestration in Finland and Sweden

The first-ever international session at the Finnish Agricultural Science Days, organized by the Baltic Sea Action Group, offered multiple perspectives on what is needed to advance soil carbon sequestration and reflected upon all the different levels and actors that must be involved in the work. The session brought together several organizations and projects. In this... Read more »

Timeout for the soil and its farmer’s good future

The carbon farmers who are participating in Carbon Action have been active during the first three years of the project. A good moment for a Timeout discussion was just before May Day that was cooler than usual. The event was organized via Teams on the 29th of April in 2021, and 21 carbon farmers participated.... Read more »