Simple Mills Supports Regenerative/Permaculture Farmers

Update: March 2024 To all our friends from Simple Mills and Elsewhere… Here is the story of how we met Katlin and what hit home for her while going through the Permaculture Course. This Exact Training is Now Available Online!Work at Your Own Speed, from Home. Thoughts that Katlin left for us in Google Reviews:  […]

2022 Course Schedule is Released!

Now that we have our course schedule finalized for 2022, we wanted to share a little highlight of what taking a Permaculture Design Certificate course with us is really like. We believe there is much more to permaculture than what is in the designer’s manual. As its founders Bill Mollison and David Holmgren stressed, the …

2022 Course Schedule is Released! Read More »

Building of Permaculture Earth-Shelter Cabin

Picture Summary: Clay-slip Straw Cabin Build Our First Cabin is Done – Completed 2020 We guided the design and construction of the first of several cabins on the CSC’s 8.7 acre design project. The cabins are part of a long-term sustainability plan for this land. Why is it called an ‘Earth Shelter?’  Because it is […]

Pond Muck Berm Project

Building Raised Beds on Contour When our community pond became stagnant from silt runoff and the build-up of plant detritus over 40 years, it needed some serious rehabilitation and excavation. In 2018 we hired a contractor to help us with the job (a nearby friend and neighbor of the community) but what to do with […]

Bending Oak Permaculture Farm, Design-Element Permaculture Posters

We recently visited a long-term project of ours, Bending Oak Permaculture farm in Youngstown, Ohio. We have been designing and implementing for this demonstrative site for over seven years, and to see it transform from a plot of barren land into an abundant, regenerative ecosystem has been incredibly rewarding. To help share what we are […]

Living Woven-Willow Brush Fence

Another Experiment at Midwest Permaculture How one can attractively store woody brush to give it time to break down. Hello permaculture friends. We wanted to give something a try. We have not seen this exact design in the literature or on YouTube (although it certainly could be out there) but the idea is to use […]

Tribute to Larry Korn

Larry Korn 1948-2019 Free Webinar posted as a Tribute to Larry We are saddened by the recent passing of our friend, Larry Korn. He is best known for being the translator/editor of one of the most influential books to touch the lives of scores of natural farmers and permaculturists,  The One-Straw Revolution by Masanobu Fukuoka. Why is […]