Permaculture Magazine Offer

This weekend (May 4 & 5) our friends at Permaculture Magazine (UK) are offering those who are on our email list FREE digital access to their latest online issue. Simply click here to view.  Back in March we supported their celebration of International Permaculture Week by broadcasting over their Instagram for an entire day.  As a thank […]

Discover the Wild Leek (Ramps)

Learn how the influence of ramps has built relationships within human and nonhuman communities. Part of the Allium (onion) family, Allium tricoccum, commonly referred to in English as Ramps or the Wild Leek, has been a staple of North American diets for centuries. Ramps can be found across northeastern America and Canada in the early […]

DIY Super-Clean Composting Toilet System

Completely Minimize the Odors…! After doing much of the same research that many of you have probably done, and after working with a half-dozen different systems (some top name over-the-counter), we always ran into something that made the process either disgusting or problematic. As we solved these challenges one at a time, we developed a …

Picture Summary of September, 2022 PDC at Bending Oak

We just wrapped up our 95th Permaculture Design Certificate course. This time we were hosted by Bending Oak Permaculture Farm in Youngstown, OH, an ongoing permaculture site that we have worked closely with over the past ten years. Here is a glimpse of how the course progressed. Early on, students reviewed the pre-study materials and …

DIY “Super Clean Composting Toilet” Design

“We love the composting toilet. It’s so clean, and we can’t believe it doesn’t smell!”  What is a composting toilet? A composting toilet is a waterless toilet that works by digesting waste through composting by encouraging aerobic bacteria to break solids down. This type of toilet is a practical option for an outhouse in a […]

Design and Tour of MWP Home Residence

Here is the latest presentation and virtual tour of how our residential property has evolved over the last 15 years. This is a live presentation given during one of our recent (2022) online PDC courses. Plenty of before and after photos with quite detailed explanations. Includes candid questions from our students. Below is the […]

Super Easy Cold-Compost-Pile Harvest

Spring is here at Midwest Permaculture.  It’s time for the annual harvest from the bottom of our cold compost pile. Along with beautiful compost, we are always pleasantly surprised by another yield uncovered. We started this area as a hugelkultur bed with a moat on three sides to retain water. Once filled with logs, sticks, […]