Kelda Lorax

Permaculture Womens Guild

Oklahoma, USA. Kelda is a PINA diplomat and trains next generation Permaculture leaders. She has a wide experience with designs, teams, and projects. She also sells veggies and medicinal herbs from her small food forest.

Luiza Oliveira

Permaculture Womens Guild

Italy, Brasil, Switzerland, California. Luiza is passionate about regenerative design, social justice, and how permaculture practices are a great way to reclaim our own nature and health.

Lucie Bardos

Permaculture Womens Guild

Kelowna, Canada. Lucie is a community project consultant, educator, course facilitator, and artist.

Kareen Erbe

Permaculture Womens Guild

Montana, USA. Kareen owns Broken Ground, a permaculture education and design business that teaches people how to grow their own food and become more self-reliant.

Meiling Colorado

Permaculture Womens Guild

Mallorca, Spain. Meiling has studied and taught permaculture in a diversity of settings. Her new book, Aftermath, was published this Spring.

Silvia DiBlasio

Permaculture Womens Guild

Vancouver, Canada. Silvia specializes in inner and social permaculture and is also a passionate practitioner, instructor and advocate for food sovereignty and disaster preparedness/planning.

Dana Utroske

Permaculture Womens Guild

Oregon, USA. Dana is a sustainability educator, designer, and consultant, who is deeply passionate about uniting people and planet to usher in a new era of regeneration.