How to have a healthy mental breakdown

Permaculture Womens Guild

By Priya Logan ( Even in the face of larger ones) Breaking down is natural, think of anything in nature. Reimagine it as composting, stir, add food and rest.\ NB( this has been mainly inspired by punk music; the benign void in my brain; personal experience with real compost and prolonged emotional meltdown, though to be clear those two have never converged in real time, and is dedicated to everyone who gets stuck and unstuck) Invite the worms: do activities that churn your ideas of yourself into something new: take up something physical, wrestle with interesting but unsavoury ideas and…

How to Free Yourself from Expectations

Permaculture Womens Guild

By Julia Pereira Dias Nothing causes as much frustration as unmet expectations. In fact, I dare say that every single time we suffer, get mad, anxious or irritated it is because something is not as we expected it to be. And very often it’s somebody else who failed to do, be, think or say what we expected them to. When I talk about expectations (and I love talking about them), I often hear people say: “Oh well. I better not have any expectations then, do I? Especially, ESPECIALLY, not in romantic relationships. Haha. (And is it just me or do…


Permaculture Womens Guild

after the dark night the rooster announces the light By Ginkgo Biloba I remember well a sunset from more than two years ago. I was sitting around the fire, on the shore of a dreamlike lake and was surrounded by a group of people that were new to me. We were all listening to this white-bearded, wise man speaking. The man, a well known German-American ethnobotanist, was retelling beautiful tales and bringing symbols, myths and ancient wisdom to light. How does this relate to me? To us? Right now? Well, going through Stuff, I recall his words (as best as…

Meditar es dejar de intentarlo

Permaculture Womens Guild

Guía de meditación para mentes inquietas By Rosaura Ruiz La meditación es una herramienta milenaria, una verdadera herencia de toda la Humanidad. Aunque es sencilla en apariencia (sentarse, cerrar los ojos, “vaciar” la mente), es muy poderosa, y nos puede servir como una ayuda real tanto en tiempos de calma, donde poder profundizar en la conexión con nosotras mismas, como en momentos de crisis, disminuyendo efectivamente procesos de ansiedad. Para meditar sólo necesitas una cosa: tu cuerpo-mente. Vas a estar con los ojos cerrados, por lo que no te importes demasiado por la apariencia del lugar donde estés: a todas…

The Most Vulnerable even More Vulnerable Now

Permaculture Womens Guild

COVID-19, time to embrace complexity By Luiza Oliveira As expected, COVID-19 has been spreading exponentially (1). Safety measurements have been oriented by the World Health Organization (2), and many countries have been experiencing lockdowns and shelter-in-place orders, so together we can “flatten the curve” (3,4,5). It can be challenging to keep up with the worldwide news without feeling ungrounded, but it is important to not lose sight of the complexity of this situation and only focus on the COVID-19 challenges itself. I tent to see this global quarantine experience as an opportunity to embrace and learn from complexity in order…

Somos Naturaleza

Permaculture Womens Guild

Interiorizando nuestro ecosistema interior By Rosaura Ruiz Parece una cosa bastante obvia, pero que si la entendemos verdaderamente (no con la mente, sino con las entrañas) promete abrir muchas puertas que mantenemos cerradas en nuestro interior y que piden ser abiertas: somos Naturaleza. Nacimos de ella y por ella, formamos parte de ella, y cada célula de nuestro cuerpo es Naturaleza por derecho propio. Incluso si vivimos en ciudades y llevamos vidas tecnológicamente avanzadas, no engañamos a nadie: somos Naturaleza. En la civilización occidental actual, moldeada desde hace siglos por el capitalismo-patriarcado, hemos perdido gran parte del contacto con lo…

Quarantine is my Refining Fire

Permaculture Womens Guild

There’s no time like the present to deal with put-off problems. By Kali Morgan It’s ironic that coronavirus showed its ugly face right at the time when most Iranians are in the middle of khooneh tekooni, or the annual ‘house-shaking’. It’s a period of extreme deep-cleaning before the Persian New Year (which coincides with the Spring Equinox). You must be ready for the new year, be your best self, and be ready for loads of guests at any time! I had been cleaning a little too, but as the pandemic hit before the new year, I also felt the communal…