Avoid These Common Mistakes After Your Permaculture Design Certificate Course…

Permaculture Womens Guild

By Karryn Olson Often, after an in-depth permaculture learning experience, folks emerge with the desire to change their living or working situations so that they can make a bigger difference in the world. I’ve identified some common mistakes that can be detours or even obstacles on this path towards a right livelihood, and I’m sharing them in the hopes you can avoid them and instead, fast-track regenerative solutions. Mistake #1: Permavangelizing People are attracted to permaculture for different reasons. Some even “fall in love” with it. Have you? Why? Or why not? Here are some of the reasons I was super…

Small-scale farmers — not lab-based foods — can help save the planet

Permaculture Womens Guild

Over the past few decades there has been a consolidating of power and control in the food system into the hands of a small group of agro-chemical corporations, we need more small-scale farmers to produce healthy organic food.

Ecotopia? Other worlds are possible but only through struggle

Permaculture Womens Guild

By Becky Ellis The 2020s are going to be about struggle but if we do it right, it will be collective and (mostly) joyful Everyone who follows science and environmental news knows that predictions for the next few decades are grim and scary. Climate change, by most accounts is happening quicker and more unpredictably than scientists had anticipated. People are already suffering around the world as climate disasters and oppression increase. Humans are being presented with two dominant pathways: one egalitarian and co-operative and the other authoritarian and destructive. So far, if elections are an indication of the mood of the…

What does it mean to be an adult in the 21st Century?

Permaculture Womens Guild

By Gudrun Cartwright What does the term ‘grown up’ bring to mind for you? In a society where growing older is seen as a bad thing, is it appealing? As children and young people, we want more than anything to be adults. To feel in charge of our own destiny, be taken seriously and exercise agency in the world. However, when we reach adulthood, it’s easy to get distracted from the privileges and responsibilities being grown up bring us. But we will become adults. To reach the peak of our powers. To be the ones who take care of things.…