How to Compost Your Pain

Permaculture Womens Guild

By Dido Dunlop (part of a talk at our New Zealand Permaculture gathering 2015, exploring how we can apply Nature’s ecosystems model to human relationships, to create a resilient way to live; it’s a contribution to Social Permaculture) What do we do with emotions that feel bad? How do we turn our miseries into rich nourishing resources, into love and constructive action? When we try to throw things out that smell bad, they don’t go away. That applies to emotions as much as food scraps and poo. We put our ‘waste’ in the compost heap so as not to waste…

Decoloniziation for Beginners: Inner and Outer Vision

Permaculture Womens Guild

Using the land and our tangible environments as the palette of living changes everything. Life is not just an idea that lives in the head, or a feeling that lives in the heart. Here we have embodied reality, or at least what we call reality at any point in our individual or collective experience. By Maria Zayas As a newbie to permaculture, and an old hand at personal growth, the matter of decolonizing has really piqued my interest. It is easy for me to picture the nature of the colonization process in our physical world: people coopting land and resources,…

Permies of the world unite!

Permaculture Womens Guild

A manifesto for an internationalist permaculture movement By Becky Ellis Migration, the movement of people over landscapes, is, arguably, one of the defining characteristics of our species. Humans have moved over landscapes in search of food and other resources since before we were a species. And yet in our deeply capitalist society, the movement of most humans is severely restricted and criminalized. Recently, there has been an increase in racist xenophobia throughout Europe, Canada, Australia, and the United States including the rise of far-right hate groups, anti-immigrant nationalist political parties, and governments who criminalize migrants. In the United States, Trump…