Help! I’ve got to do a Permaculture Design Project!
Permaculture Womens Guild
A quick overview of how to start a permaculture design project
Permaculture Womens Guild
A quick overview of how to start a permaculture design project
Permaculture Womens Guild
Early morning musings on meaning and connection, the language of life.
Permaculture Womens Guild
What is Rewilding? Is rewilding a way of off-setting normal life?
Permaculture Womens Guild
Through observing community woodlands principles of nature become important.
Permaculture Womens Guild
The cross-cultural use of herbs and herbal medicine has experienced a significant resurgence in the past several decades. This emergent herbalism has become a popular method of alternative medicine as well as a profitable commercial industry.
Permaculture Womens Guild
By Dido Dunlop (part of a talk at our New Zealand Permaculture gathering 2015, exploring how we can apply Nature’s ecosystems model to human relationships, to create a resilient way to live; it’s a contribution to Social Permaculture) What do we do with emotions that feel bad? How do we turn our miseries into rich nourishing resources, into love and constructive action? When we try to throw things out that smell bad, they don’t go away. That applies to emotions as much as food scraps and poo. We put our ‘waste’ in the compost heap so as not to waste…
Permaculture Womens Guild
Increase vitality through connection with common weeds, examine your attitude to nettle and dandelion to bring you back to life.