Composting in Small Spaces

If you’re looking to cut your landfill waste, undo the effects of erosion, reduce your climate footprint, and fall in love with the regenerative magic of soil, your best first step is a simple one: composting (find out why HERE). But if you’re in an apartment, condo, or townhouse with no land of your own, […]

Permaculture Living – a Free Resources Roundup

Heya lovely readers, guess what? Our next intake of Permaculture Living is currently OPEN for bookings, until Wednesday 10th at 5pm. So if you’ve been planning to join us for a while, now might be a great time? One of the great things about this 12-week online course is that if you need to take…

The post Permaculture Living – a

How Can Composting Benefit the Environment?

Cruise through suburbia one spring or fall day, and you’ll see them: rows upon rows of paper bags of leaves, lawn clippings, and yard waste, waiting for municipal pickup. Ironically,  the hard-working homeowners who fill them often follow up with a garden store run for bags upon bags of commercially-prepared compost. Bags of yard waste […]

How Passive Irrigation with Roof Runoff Saved Us a Fortune in City Water Bills

Early in the spring of your gardening life, when your herbs and veggies are still small, there’s a certain parent-like charm about trotting around with a watering can or hose, tenderly pouring a life-giving puddle around their little roots.  But as your garden grows and your water bills mount up, you quickly realize: there has […]

Build Rich Soil For Your Food Forest with Cover Crops

In our last blog, we looked at how water and soil interact in assuring the success of your permaculture property. In this post, we’re going to take a look at how you can revive the soil ecosystem of a depleted suburban lawn as the first step toward creating your food forest. When we began creating our […]