Mandy Merklein

Permaculture Womens Guild

Mallorca, Spain. Mandy studied permaculture since 1982 and is a founding and active member of Permacultura Mediterranea, Youth in Permaculture, Gaia Youth, Community and Ecology Resources, and Escola Kumar.

Marit Parker

Permaculture Womens Guild

Wales, UK. Marit Parker has been learning about permaculture for over 25 years, and applying it not just to gardening and farming but also in her work tackling inequalities and social exclusion, in particular with people with disabilities and learning difficulties.

Jane Hayes

Permaculture Womens Guild

Toronto, Canada. Jane is a gardener, community developer, educator and coach with 25 years of experience.

Paige Payne

Permaculture Womens Guild

Colorado, USA. Paige has a deep appreciation and understanding of nature, diverse ecosystems, and the influence of nature on mental and spiritual health.

Saskia Esslinger

Permaculture Womens Guild

Alaska, USA. Saskia is a certified permaculture designer, online gardening teacher, and regenerative entrepreneur. She teaches cold-climate gardening classes with her two sons.

Penny Krebiehl

Permaculture Womens Guild

Michigan, USA. Penny is a life-long garden-farmer, woods-wanderer, and arts educator. She has been educating and consulting as a Certified Permaculture Designer since 2005, and is a graphic-recorder for courses and presentations.

Amy Stross

Permaculture Womens Guild

Ohio, USA. Amy Stross is a permaculture gardener, writer, educator, and author of The Suburban Micro-Farm, with a varied background in home-scale food production.