
Permaculture Womens Guild

The time I visited the oldest ecocommunity in Spain By Elena Pollen Long before moving to Spain, or, a few months actually, my partner & I came across this article about the oldest ecocommunity in Spain. Filled with beautiful pictures of wooden houses and wisened people, we dreamed of someday being there, living the self sufficient mountain life. Two years later, having just arrived in León on foot, 130km of steep terrain and mist behind us, we were quite happy to get the bus to our next destination. Matavenero, the oldest ecocommunity in Spain, is located somewhere in Astorga, which…

Thou Shalt Not Unhamster

Permaculture Womens Guild

By Julia Pereira Dias Not everyone is frustrated about not having followed their dreams. I know a number of wonderful people that live the ‘normal life’ of doing some kind of job that pays their bills, raising their kids and going on a vacation every now and then. The job is not a dream job, but they appreciate what it does for them. They appreciate the sense of security it provides them — the security of blending in, of regular pay checks, a cosy family and the comfort of little rewards to enjoy. They are self-aware. They know that their need for…