What is a Permaculture Design Certificate and is it worth a big investment? Top 10 PDC FAQ’s
Permaculture Womens Guild
Everything you need to know about choosing a Permaculture Design Certificate program, or not.
Permaculture Womens Guild
Everything you need to know about choosing a Permaculture Design Certificate program, or not.
Permaculture Womens Guild
How many types of root vegetables do you grow?
Permaculture Womens Guild
Best online permaculture course for women and by women
Permaculture Womens Guild
tips and tricks for growing gorgeous organic garlic
Permaculture Womens Guild
Heather Jo Flores is the founder and director of Permaculture Women's Guild, Food Not Lawns, and the freepermaculture project, and creates about half of the content in our course.
Permaculture Womens Guild
All you need is cabbage, salt, and to remember a few important details
Permaculture Womens Guild
By Heather Jo Flores I recently received an interesting question from a reader,and it seemed like a great topic for this month’s column. She writes:“I just bought a house whose lovely raised garden beds are being strangled by invasive bamboo. What can I do?” First off, let me say that bamboo is a grass. And like Bermuda grass, Couch grass, and most other rhizomatous plants, it can be almost impossible to control without extreme measures. A lot of people think that if they choose “clumping” varieties of bamboo, they won’t spread. But in my experience this just isn’t true. Bamboo…