Poetics of communication

Permaculture Womens Guild

There’s an issue that needs addressing, like a PO-box of understanding, of enthusiastically awaiting new mail to arrive, like the birds of yesterday in harmonic screeches of today’s fairy tales.

How to learn humility for a better tomorrow

Permaculture Womens Guild

by Matilde Magro Step by step guide of 10 easy ways to reconnect with yourself and to love the life you live. 1. Recognize kinship with everything that exists. To walk in a busy city street, on a gravel road, and between trees, flowers, and lovely weeds and feel a kinship with every living thing makes us understand that a better world is forming under our feet. We can look beyond the dooms-day apocalyptic media and see that human intelligence is naught but a bleep in a symphony of beauty and grandiosity. To understand that a tree carries you more than you…