The Most Vulnerable even More Vulnerable Now

Permaculture Womens Guild

COVID-19, time to embrace complexity By Luiza Oliveira As expected, COVID-19 has been spreading exponentially (1). Safety measurements have been oriented by the World Health Organization (2), and many countries have been experiencing lockdowns and shelter-in-place orders, so together we can “flatten the curve” (3,4,5). It can be challenging to keep up with the worldwide news without feeling ungrounded, but it is important to not lose sight of the complexity of this situation and only focus on the COVID-19 challenges itself. I tent to see this global quarantine experience as an opportunity to embrace and learn from complexity in order…


Permaculture Womens Guild

The time I visited the oldest ecocommunity in Spain By Elena Pollen Long before moving to Spain, or, a few months actually, my partner & I came across this article about the oldest ecocommunity in Spain. Filled with beautiful pictures of wooden houses and wisened people, we dreamed of someday being there, living the self sufficient mountain life. Two years later, having just arrived in León on foot, 130km of steep terrain and mist behind us, we were quite happy to get the bus to our next destination. Matavenero, the oldest ecocommunity in Spain, is located somewhere in Astorga, which…