The Most Vulnerable even More Vulnerable Now

Permaculture Womens Guild

COVID-19, time to embrace complexity By Luiza Oliveira As expected, COVID-19 has been spreading exponentially (1). Safety measurements have been oriented by the World Health Organization (2), and many countries have been experiencing lockdowns and shelter-in-place orders, so together we can “flatten the curve” (3,4,5). It can be challenging to keep up with the worldwide news without feeling ungrounded, but it is important to not lose sight of the complexity of this situation and only focus on the COVID-19 challenges itself. I tent to see this global quarantine experience as an opportunity to embrace and learn from complexity in order…

Somos Naturaleza

Permaculture Womens Guild

Interiorizando nuestro ecosistema interior By Rosaura Ruiz Parece una cosa bastante obvia, pero que si la entendemos verdaderamente (no con la mente, sino con las entrañas) promete abrir muchas puertas que mantenemos cerradas en nuestro interior y que piden ser abiertas: somos Naturaleza. Nacimos de ella y por ella, formamos parte de ella, y cada célula de nuestro cuerpo es Naturaleza por derecho propio. Incluso si vivimos en ciudades y llevamos vidas tecnológicamente avanzadas, no engañamos a nadie: somos Naturaleza. En la civilización occidental actual, moldeada desde hace siglos por el capitalismo-patriarcado, hemos perdido gran parte del contacto con lo…

What is the Price for Belonging?

Permaculture Womens Guild

By Julia Pereira Dias A lot of our expectations are not our own. Culture shapes what we think about the world, about what people, including us, should do and how we should all be. Cultural norms — which are nothing but expectations — define what success is, how a marriage is supposed to run, how children are to be raised and even what happiness consists of. Social animals that we are, we strive to adhere cultural expectations, lest we be excluded from the happy zoo of conformity. If you have any doubt, think about how you raise your children. Why would it possibly stress…

Having kids in a climate crisis: can you do it? I’m too scared

Permaculture Womens Guild

By Gudrun Cartwright As always, I was fascinated by what happened in Davos this year. If not necessarily encouraged. Donald Trump criticised climate ’prophets of doom’, pronouncing the amazingness of the USA and promoting their fracked gas as a safe solution to energy security. On the same stage, Greta Thunberg gave all the adults in the room a good talking to about the rapid action needed to tackle climate and ecological breakdown to provide her generation with a future that they can thrive in. HRH The Prince of Wales told us that we have just ten years to get our…