Regenerative farming on Carbon Action farms

Regenerative farming and its effects on soil health are monitored on a hundred Carbon Action farms. The farmers on these pilot farms have already gained experience in regenerative and carbon farming methods for several growing seasons. image/svg+xml Improving profitability Jari Eerola, who owns Setälä-Eerola Farm, got involved in the Carbon Action collaboration in 2018. He […]

Artikkeli Regenerative farming on Carbon Action farms julkaistiin ensimmäisen kerran Baltic Sea Action Group.

Qvidja farm is a lighthouse for Carbon Action research

Qvidja Farm develops agriculture and conducts Carbon Action research and training. It aims to create a food production system that is good for the Baltic Sea, the climate, biodiversity, and people. Researching and developing regenerative farming The land has been cultivated for more than a thousand years at Qvidja Farm, which is owned by Ilkka […]

Artikkeli Qvidja farm is a lighthouse for Carbon Action research julkaistiin ensimmäisen kerran Baltic Sea Action Group.

Qvidja farm is a beacon for Carbon Action research

Qvidja Farm develops agriculture and conducts Carbon Action research and training. It aims to create a food production system that is good for the Baltic Sea, the climate, biodiversity, and people. Researching and developing regenerative farming The land has been cultivated for more than a thousand years at Qvidja Farm, which is owned by Ilkka […]

Artikkeli Qvidja farm is a beacon for Carbon Action research julkaistiin ensimmäisen kerran Baltic Sea Action Group.

Is Paludiculture a Solution to Organic Soil Emissions? Highlights from the Ruukki Field Day

Researchers, farmers, companies, and policy-makers came together at Ruukki research station on a warm and sunny day in August to learn about the agricultural management of peat soils and how to reduce their environmental impact. The focus of the day was on research, outreach, and politics. Elisa Vainio from the BSAG summarizes some of the […]

Artikkeli Is Paludiculture a Solution to Organic Soil Emissions? Highlights from the Ruukki Field Day julkaistiin ensimmäisen kerran Baltic Sea Action Group.

Blog: Multiple perspectives on advancing soil carbon sequestration in Finland and Sweden

The first-ever international session at the Finnish Agricultural Science Days, organized by the Baltic Sea Action Group, offered multiple perspectives on what is needed to advance soil carbon sequestration and reflected upon all the different levels and actors that must be involved in the work. The session brought together several organizations and projects. In this... Read more »

The new HITTI project: “This is exactly the kind of next-level action we need now!”

Baltic Sea Action Group (BSAG) has launched the three-year HITTI project, in March 2022. The farmer-oriented project promotes adaptive carbon farming throughout the agricultural sector. Farmers participating in the project develop adaptive carbon farming methods and form core groups and pioneering groups in the Pirkanmaa and Uusimaa regions. The groups in the Pirkanmaa region focus... Read more »

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Qvidja farm, the lighthouse of Carbon Action

Qvidja, located in Parainen and owned by Ilkka Herlin and Saara Kankaanrinta, is the oldest manor in Finland. The Qvidja farm includes 140 hectares of field and 650 hectares of forest. Herlin and Kankaanrinta are transforming the farm into regenerative farming. Their farming principles include cover crops, mixed cropping, organic soil amendments, crop rotation, agroforestry... Read more »