The Regeneration International Standard

Agriculture must change from chemically intensive degenerative industrial systems to regenerative, biological, biodiverse, nature-based ones to regenerate our ecosystems, climate, health, and communities. Such systems improve resources, reduce, and ultimately avoid synthetic chemicals. It is not based on animal or plant cruelty. Instead, its foundations are biodiversity, plant biology, living soil science, and humane livestock systems.

Cultivating Hope: Wrapping Up 2024

We are deeply grateful for your support of Regeneration International. As consumers, activists, organizers, farmers, and scientists, you are helping build the international movement to regenerate the Earth and reverse climate change. The road ahead is challenging, but we are not alone—and with each passing day, we are growing stronger. The image at the top of this message—our Planting Peace banner—symbolizes this call to action. Now more than ever, we must plant the seeds of international peace and cooperation. The future of our planet depends on us working together to co-create a world where humanity thrives in harmony with nature.

How Much Goes it Cost to Preserve Mexican Biodiversity?

For the past 11 years, Vía Orgánica has been fighting to protect the 64 native corn varieties and hundreds of local strains in Mexico. We invite you to support this vital struggle through your donation. Every contribution helps sustain our efforts to protect ancestral resources, food sovereignty, and the right to preserve the culinary traditions of Mexican cuisine, which UNESCO has recognized as Intangible Heritage of Humanity.

AROES (Agroecological, Regenerative, and Organic Ecosystem Services)

As a worldwide network of 600 partners in 80 countries on every arable continent, Regeneration International will multiply the number of certified farmers and acreage by using financial and agronomic incentives to encourage and motivate producers to adopt the best organic, regenerative, and agroecological practices. Our network building is designed to be scalable. We expect it to multiply, especially in the Global South, as farmers and land managers learn the benefits of adopting agroecological, regenerative, and organic best management practices, verifying them, and then getting paid for them. The first pilot projects have started and will become catalysts for change in their communities.

End of Year Reflection: Africa

We conclude yet another great year, where we achieved so much, even though the odds were against most agricultural practices. It is safe to say,  this was probably the toughest year for the agricultural movement on the continent. In the same breath, I am inviting you to a space of celebration. The regenerative agriculture and agroecology movements are gaining traction in the face of the above mentioned issues.

Soil Organic Matter – the Most Critical Cause and Solution to Climate Change

The current mainstream narrative is that climate change is caused by carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from fossil fuels and methane emissions from farm animals. The solution is to reduce fossil use, scale up renewable energy, and eat less, preferably no, meat. Read here for more information.

The post Soil Organic Matter – the