Towards A Sustainable Agriculture: Living Soil

Towards a Sustainable Agriculture The Living Soil by Lady Eve Balfour The following is the text of the paper exactly as given by Lady Eve Balfour at the IFOAM Conference of 1977. In order to set the scene for this historic conference, and for the benefit of the younger participants, I think it might be […]

The Incredible Journey of Natural Farming Pioneer: Pat Coleby

Pat Coleby was born in England in 1920. Early on in her life Pat became interested in alternative health solutions after suffering chronic asthma as a child. This kickstarted a lifelong mission to find natural disease remedies without manufactured medicines. Her curiosity led her to constantly research and experiment with vitamins, minerals, and plants for […]

4,800 hectares of valuable marine nature and 2,200 agricultural developers

BSAG’s Annual Report for 2022 has been published. Although environmental and social crises seemed to pile up throughout the year, 2022 also brought successes and growth for the Baltic Sea Action Group (BSAG).“The work we do is needed more than ever,” say Managing Director Laura Höijer and Strategy Director Pieta Jarva in their foreword. In […]

Artikkeli 4,800 hectares of valuable marine nature and 2,200 agricultural developers julkaistiin ensimmäisen kerran Baltic Sea Action Group.

The Science-based Evidence to Ban Glyphosate and GMOs

Mexico announced that it was phasing out the use of glyphosate herbicides, the cultivation of GMO corn, and the import of GMO corn for human consumption and livestock feed by the end of 2024. The reasons for the decree given by Mexican president Andrés Manuel López Obrador are to protect the health of Mexico’s consumers and small-scale farmers, the environment, and the purity of Mexico’s native corn varieties.

Maximizing Photosynthesis and Root Exudates through Regenerative Agriculture to Increase Soil Organic Carbon to Mitigate Climate Change

To shift from a significant emitter to a major mitigator of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, agriculture needs to change from the current dominant paradigm of chemically intensive, industrial/conventional systems to regenerative systems by focusing on plant biology and living soil sciences. Going to renewables is not enough now and this is why carbon dioxide removal through increasing soil carbon by scaling up best practice regenerative agriculture is critical to keeping the temperature rise below 1.5ºC.

Our Global Regeneration Revolution: Organic 3.0 to Regenerative and Organic Agriculture

We have a lot of work to do. We are currently living well beyond our planetary boundaries and extracting far more than our planet can provide. We need to build the new regenerative system that will replace the current degenerate system.

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