On people care, cultural emergence and the mindset of abundance — a conversation with Looby Macnamara
Permaculture Womens Guild
The problems we have with Earth care really stem from the people care side of things
Permaculture Womens Guild
The problems we have with Earth care really stem from the people care side of things
Permaculture Womens Guild
Permaculture for people with disability- positives, challenges and suggestions for a more inclusive permaculture.
Permaculture Womens Guild
What is Rewilding? Is rewilding a way of off-setting normal life?
Permaculture Womens Guild
City of Refuge is Starhawk’s powerful and profound sequel to the Fifth Sacred Thing.
Permaculture Womens Guild
The cross-cultural use of herbs and herbal medicine has experienced a significant resurgence in the past several decades. This emergent herbalism has become a popular method of alternative medicine as well as a profitable commercial industry.
Permaculture Womens Guild
Using the land and our tangible environments as the palette of living changes everything. Life is not just an idea that lives in the head, or a feeling that lives in the heart. Here we have embodied reality, or at least what we call reality at any point in our individual or collective experience. By Maria Zayas As a newbie to permaculture, and an old hand at personal growth, the matter of decolonizing has really piqued my interest. It is easy for me to picture the nature of the colonization process in our physical world: people coopting land and resources,…
Permaculture Womens Guild
The art of placemaking, regenerating public spaces.