Mapping and landing in a living world: how a Permaculture Design Course helped me organize my life

Permaculture Womens Guild

When I enrolled in a Permaculture Design Course in 2013, my youngest child was only three months old, and we had only recently landed in Scotland. I had spent most of my adult life away from Scotland…

How to Free Yourself from Expectations

Permaculture Womens Guild

By Julia Pereira Dias Nothing causes as much frustration as unmet expectations. In fact, I dare say that every single time we suffer, get mad, anxious or irritated it is because something is not as we expected it to be. And very often it’s somebody else who failed to do, be, think or say what we expected them to. When I talk about expectations (and I love talking about them), I often hear people say: “Oh well. I better not have any expectations then, do I? Especially, ESPECIALLY, not in romantic relationships. Haha. (And is it just me or do…