How to Compost Your Pain

Permaculture Womens Guild

By Dido Dunlop (part of a talk at our New Zealand Permaculture gathering 2015, exploring how we can apply Nature’s ecosystems model to human relationships, to create a resilient way to live; it’s a contribution to Social Permaculture) What do we do with emotions that feel bad? How do we turn our miseries into rich nourishing resources, into love and constructive action? When we try to throw things out that smell bad, they don’t go away. That applies to emotions as much as food scraps and poo. We put our ‘waste’ in the compost heap so as not to waste…

The fight is on. Abortion rights

Permaculture Womens Guild

By Gosia Rokicka On Friday 23rd March 2018 Polish women (and everyone else who supports the cause) will speak out against Polish parliament’s plan to limit the already restricted access to legal abortion even further. Again. I can’t believe we still have to protest this shit. A short recap for those who are not clued in about what’s going on. Since 1993 Poland has had one of the most restrictive abortion laws in Europe, which allows to access the procedure legally in three situations: when the woman’s life is in danger, when there is a risk of serious and irreversible damage…