A Long Way Home

Permaculture Womens Guild

By Helen iles It’s early morning. The sun is already flooding the woodland scene outside my window, when a robin hops onto the patio table and appears to look up at me. “It’s a beautiful spring day!” he seems to say. “Get up!” But I’m warm up in my cozy platform bed in the rafters, and that sunlight is deceptive. I take another sip of tea, snuggle closer to Husband and tell myself I’ll just read one more chapter… My relationship with home is a deep one. I grew up in Wales and brought up my son in one of…

Thank-you India

Permaculture Womens Guild

A report back from the International Permaculture Conference and Convergence in Hyderabad, India. By Becky Ellis In November 2017, I had the amazing experience of attending the International Permaculture Conference and Convergence in Hyderabad, India. It was my first time at an international permaculture convergence and, more importantly, my first time in India. It was an amazing experience. My only regret is that I didn’t get to see very much of India, which means I have to return someday. The conference and convergence was organized by Aranya Agricultural Alternatives. The two day conference was located at Professor Jayashankar Telangana State…