Small-scale farmers — not lab-based foods — can help save the planet

Permaculture Womens Guild

Over the past few decades there has been a consolidating of power and control in the food system into the hands of a small group of agro-chemical corporations, we need more small-scale farmers to produce healthy organic food.

Ecotopia? Other worlds are possible but only through struggle

Permaculture Womens Guild

By Becky Ellis The 2020s are going to be about struggle but if we do it right, it will be collective and (mostly) joyful Everyone who follows science and environmental news knows that predictions for the next few decades are grim and scary. Climate change, by most accounts is happening quicker and more unpredictably than scientists had anticipated. People are already suffering around the world as climate disasters and oppression increase. Humans are being presented with two dominant pathways: one egalitarian and co-operative and the other authoritarian and destructive. So far, if elections are an indication of the mood of the…

Cold hardy figs and why you should grow them

Permaculture Womens Guild

Delicious, drought-tolerant, easy to grow…what’s not to love? by Heather Jo Flores I can’t stop eating them. There’s a fig tree at the place where I am staying and I can’t seem to keep them out of my mouth! It’s a huge tree, maybe 50 years old, sprawling across the low wood fence and dropping down into the neighbors’ yard. They don’t mind. Every October, both houses get more figs than they know what to do with, just from the one tree. It’s a Black Spanish, and it’s famous among fig aficionados as being one of most prolific, cold-hardy and easy…