BSAG brings news from Finnish fields to the UN climate change conference

Baltic Sea Action Group (BSAG) brings Finnish expertise on soils and multi-benefit climate solutions to the global stage more intensely than ever before. BSAG has been invited to speak at events related to the UN’s climate change conference (COP26) and will thereby raise awareness of solutions and practices developed through Carbon Action work among the... Read more »

Carbon Action Nominated for a Nordic Environmental Prize

Carbon Action has been chosen as one of the eight nominees for the Nordic Council Environment Prize 2021. The winner will be announced on the 2nd of November. The theme of this year’s prize is sustainable food systems. As for agriculture, this year the council of the Nordic countries emphasizes recirculated plant nutrition and environmentally... Read more »


Nestlé Finland and Baltic Sea Action Group (BSAG) are starting a cooperation which aims to curb climate change and eutrophication of the Baltic Sea. Nestlé Finland joins the Carbon Action Platform and makes a Baltic Sea Commitment. As part of the commitment Nestlé provides training and support for farmers to transit their production into regenerative... Read more »

Timeout for the soil and its farmer’s good future

The carbon farmers who are participating in Carbon Action have been active during the first three years of the project. A good moment for a Timeout discussion was just before May Day that was cooler than usual. The event was organized via Teams on the 29th of April in 2021, and 21 carbon farmers participated.... Read more »

International Soil Award Recognition for Carbon Action work

Systemic change in the field of agriculture is in progress globally (read more on recent blog). Co-operation and co-development with international regenerative agriculture networks is important for Carbon Action. Carbon Action has been well noticed as part of the forerunner networks. One indication of that was the Land and Soil Management Award ’Diploma of Recognition’ that Carbon... Read more »

Science Webinar provided novel research results on soil, carbon sequestration and water protection

Regenerative agricultural practices that control soil structure and hydrology can play part in both climate change mitigation through carbon sequestration and water protection through minimizing nutrient runoffs. Carbon Action Science webinar on Soil, carbon sequestration and water protection on 9th of March 2021 gathered around 200 participants from different backgrounds and countries around the topic.... Read more »

A leap forward in regenerative agriculture – collective effort across Finnish food-chain makes online course available to all

Press release 9th February 2021 The E-college for Regenerative Agriculture provides farmers with up to date, scientific information regarding practices that improve the soil, yield, and the environment. The free online course is the result of a collaborative effort led by the environmental foundation Baltic Sea Action Group (BSAG) and the technology company Reaktor, and... Read more »