The Cuban Paradox

What brings me to Cuba is the eighth International Encounter of Agroecology, Food Sovereignty, Nutritional Education and Cooperativism, organised by the National Association of Small Farmers (ANAP). The encounter’s international delegation of more than 120 participants and a significant number of delegates from the United States.

Our Global Regeneration Revolution: Organic 3.0 to Regenerative and Organic Agriculture

We have a lot of work to do. We are currently living well beyond our planetary boundaries and extracting far more than our planet can provide. We need to build the new regenerative system that will replace the current degenerate system.

The post Our Global Regeneration Revolution: Organic 3.0 to

The Case for Regenerative Agriculture in Germany—and Beyond

Farmers must cope with the increasing intensity and frequency of extreme weather events—both droughts and torrential rains—that wreak havoc on crops yields, even as they struggle to meet the increased cost of land and farming inputs. This article presents the key findings of our detailed analysis of the economic, environmental, and social benefits of regenerative agriculture in Germany—and by extension, in every country with a mature agri-food system.

Imagining A Greater Organic Reset

OCA and its allies worldwide are dedicated to addressing critical issues of climate change, soil health, biodiversity, water pollution and scarcity, nutrition, environmental contamination, deteriorating public health, forced migration, economic justice, and rural economic development. But what do we need to do to make this goal a practical reality? What would an “Organic Greater Reset” look like.

5 Benefits of Regenerative Agriculture – and 5 Ways to Scale It

In past years, we’ve seen regenerative agriculture move from a being more of an elusive concept to a proven solution, and an answer to the future of farming. Yet despite the clear benefits, it is not scaling fast enough. To us, this is both frustrating and encouraging: frustrating because the solutions are already available; encouraging because we don’t have to reinvent the wheel. So, how do we get there? Below, we list 5 concrete routes to reach scale.