Social Permaculture: Language and its barriers to understanding

Permaculture Womens Guild

We, humans, invented language to name things to understand them by expanding on their meaning, but my proposal is that right now it hinders our understanding of things more than it helps. Particularly language that it’s either too formal or too loose in terms of meaning and understanding.

Permaculture for Pregnancy

Permaculture Womens Guild

Permaculture can be used as a tool to improve all aspects of our lives. During pregnancy, its easy to become overwhelmed by the bombardment from media and people of what you ‘ should be’ doing, how you should look and what you should buy. Permaculture provides an empowering framework through which to curate pregnancy decisions.

Reappropriating our inherent natural culture

Permaculture Womens Guild

by Matilde Magro Whether you follow me on Medium, Facebook, or Instagram you’re well aware that I think a lot about how to solve our “social problem” and I do speak a lot about opening a dialogue about the cultural issues that need solving in face of moving forward in healing and yet, happy way. One thing I’ve been thinking about a lot for the past year is how our inherent natural culture has been misappropriated from us. There is clearly a good vs evil battle going on in the world, I’ve decided for the past year or so to…