Bending Oak PDC Picture Summary

This past June of 2021, we presented our first in-person PDC in over a year. It was an intimate course of 8 compared to the 24 person online courses we had been administering over the winter and spring. The change of pace was wonderful. We had the joy of hosting this course at Bending Oak […]

Living Woven-Willow Brush Fence

Another Experiment at Midwest Permaculture How one can attractively store woody brush to give it time to break down. Hello permaculture friends. We wanted to give something a try. We have not seen this exact design in the literature or on YouTube (although it certainly could be out there) but the idea is to use […]

Tribute to Larry Korn

Larry Korn 1948-2019 Free Webinar posted as a Tribute to Larry We are saddened by the recent passing of our friend, Larry Korn. He is best known for being the translator/editor of one of the most influential books to touch the lives of scores of natural farmers and permaculturists,  The One-Straw Revolution by Masanobu Fukuoka. Why is […]