How to Create a Food Forest Plant List Using a Permaculture Plant Database

Reading Time: 5 minutes Sometimes, finding the right plants for your food forest can be frustrating. What types of trees should be in your canopy layer? What N-fixing plant should you use? What types of shrubs will be suitable for your site? In my earlier post, I outlined the ‘habitat mimicry’ approach to selecting plants for your food forest. […]

How to design a Food Forest with Swales layout

Reading Time: 6 minutes In today’s blog post, I want to showcase the exact design process of creating a layout for a food forest with swales. But before we start with the process, you have to understand one crucial thing about your site: the slope of the land. You see, you can only install swales on gently to moderately […]

How to Choose the Most Suitable Plants for Your Food Forest

Reading Time: 4 minutes When it comes to growing plants in your food forest you always have two choices: Option 1. Adapt the plants to your site conditions; OR Option 2. Adapt your site conditions to the plants. The option of adapting your site conditions to the plants is definitely one where you’ll need to continuously put extra effort […]