Peru begins exporting its grapes to Japan

The Peruvian Ministry of Agrarian Development and Irrigation (Midagri) has announced that exports of grapes to Japan are scheduled to begin on the morning of on the morning of tomorrow. Vice Minister for Agrarian Development Policies and Supervision of Midagri Segundo Regaladosays “Grape exports for Japan start tomorrow, following numerous years of negotiations. This is […]

Third Baltic Sea commitment from Fazer – group continues its systematic work to protect the Baltic Sea

In its third Baltic Sea commitment, Fazer pledges to developing its production, operating methods and product selection in ways that support the ecological balance of the Baltic Sea and other waterways. The aim of the protection work is that as few nutrients as possible end up in the water systems. Fazer’s Baltic Sea commitment is […]

Artikkeli Third Baltic Sea commitment from Fazer – group continues its systematic work to protect the Baltic Sea julkaistiin ensimmäisen kerran Baltic Sea Action Group.

Ship Waste Action initiative is turning into standard procedure at ports

More and more waste waters end up in the port reception facilities and circular use rather than in the Baltic Sea. The Ship Waste Action initiative has strengthened cooperation between parties at HaminaKotka port and increased the volume of wastewater discharged ashore. The Ship Waste Action initiative, launched by BSAG, has already fulfilled its two […]

Artikkeli Ship Waste Action initiative is turning into standard procedure at ports julkaistiin ensimmäisen kerran Baltic Sea Action Group.

Reduce Plastic Use With This Mind Map

This easy-to-follow mind map will help you reduce plastic use and adopt a zero waste lifestyle. No one could deny that plastic as a material is an excellent product – it’s cheap, versatile and lightweight, and it’s certainly makes life easier in a lot of instances.  The trouble is our excessive consumption of plastic over the past five decades has led to huge environmental issues. Plastic is polluting our oceans, killing our wildlife and even ends up on our plates in the form of microplastics. If you’ve decided to try and cut down on your plastic use but are feeling overwhelmed about where…

The eQ Blue Planet fund annually provides significant support to BSAG’s work for the Baltic Sea

The eQ Blue Planet Fund’s BSAG series offers investors the opportunity to invest globally with the theme of sustainable development and participate in saving the Baltic Sea and combating climate change. Through the fund, eQ supports the Baltic Sea Action Group’s work with more than 150,000 euros annually. Responsibility increasingly influences the investment decisions of […]

Artikkeli The eQ Blue Planet fund annually provides significant support to BSAG’s work for the Baltic Sea julkaistiin ensimmäisen kerran Baltic Sea Action Group.