“Egypt rapidly adapted to the increase in onion consumption”

Global inflation which marked the start of the year impacted the prices and stocks of a variety of important crop varieties. Onions are particularly affected, since the top onion producing countries prohibited exports to protect their markets in the country. In the midst of this “onion turmoil”, Egypt stood out due to its stability and […]

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India is expected to take tomatoes to Nepal amid rising prices

The Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has stated that India is planning to import tomatoes from Nepal in the midst of a record increase in the price of tomatoes across the nation. In a speech to the Parliament she said that the first batch of imported tomatoes will likely arrive within Varanasi, Lucknow and Kanpur cities […]

“Our Argentina citrus pack house is at the half-capacity due to dryness, and we are unable to deal with the demand”

The Argentine citrus season of 2023 will soon come to a close there is a huge demands in their major export markets, however because of the severe drought, and other issues they’re unable to offer sufficient supplies. “Due because of the dry season,, we as a large-scale packer can only utilize half our packing home, […]

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The cold steri-orange protocol of Europe 1 year after

In the past year, tons of South African oranges were in an administrative limbo at European ports. The fruit arrived with documents that were valid when it was first shipped but had become not valid when it reached Europe. A brand new cold steri protocol for oranges was declared with the provision of 23 days […]

Kirigami-inspired robotic grippers blend the strength of a human hand with a touch of delicacy.

North Carolina State University researchers have been developing the development of a robot gripper that offers remarkable flexibility. Researchers say the one hand gripper is a great tool for food processing, electronic manufacturing and pharmaceuticals, agriculture as well as deep-sea exploration. The co-author of the paper about the concept, Yaoye Hong, said the single gripper […]

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“Whilst retail stores have increased the prices in their stores, this doesn’t reflect in the price cut the grower gets”

It was a slow time for the UK sweet fruit harvest got off to an early start throughout the country. This wasn’t any different for Clock House Farm in Maidstone, Kent, where they picked strawberries 10 days later than the normal. “We have started to pick raspberries from the production that was heated in April. […]

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Prices for fresh harvest vegetables from Russia have risen sharply in prices

The first time in years that the price of vegetable in Russia are on the rise in the heat of summer. It was reported that the Russian Federal State Statistics Service reported an average of 0.66 euros for a kilogram of carrots. This is more than 20% more expensive than the month of June. Potatoes, […]