Volunteering in South Spain

Catalina Project is a water retention landscape and reforestation project led by a group of people focused on regenerating practices working with the land and the local community.  We are based in Southern Spain, with sea views and an easy connection to our village and other local initiatives working towards land care, people care and...

Liminal Village in Italy – a regenerative hub

By Roberto Valenti Liminal Village, an emerging eco-tech hub and permaculture center in Italy, acts as a bridge between the global meta-level and regenerative grass-root initiatives. During the last months, Liminal Village has been facilitating local regenerative gatherings, workshops, hackathons & festivals at the bioregional level, applying permaculture principles and frameworks (zones, lens, sectors) to...

New Bulgarian website

So here we are with the new website, the beginning of a new project and the first post in its blog: https://pab.greenschoolvillage.org/week-1-of-my-green-school-village-s-permaculture-project-in-bulgaria/ We hope you will have a look as we also offer European Solidarity Corps activities.

Permaculture Internship in Iceland

3 months of hands-on regenerative practices & community living Acquire permaculture education, experience, and skills that you can use for the rest of your life. A summer in Iceland, living in a geodome with a family of 6.  Take part in running a CSA where we grow food for the community both in greenhouses and...