Herbalism and The Great Forgetting

Permaculture Womens Guild

by Matilde Magro Ever think that you might have a cat’s superpower knowing just the right herbs to take for your particular body/ailment/prevention? I’m here to tell you, that you actually not only do, but you also do it unconsciously. Ever craved pumpkin? Carrot? Tomato? Ever followed on that craving? I have a lot of […]

Explaining regeneration and its expansion beyond the limits of culture

Permaculture Womens Guild

by Matilde Magro There are social, ecological, and spiritual structures that link the human world to the rest of the living on this planet and even cosmically, whether we like to see it that way or not. The way of regeneration begins in the self to cause a ripple effect all the way to systemic […]

And then there is food.

Permaculture Womens Guild

Food and water are the baselines of every culture. We will neglect every single thing good about any culture until we understand why people eat and how they eat, and how passed down from generations and generations the “question of food” really is. There is no healing at all until one heals its relationship with food.