Yurok Tribe Lays 11,500 Pounds of Native Plant Seeds Along Free-Flowing Klamath River

The Yurok Fisheries Department has completed a major milestone in the restoration of the Klamath River ecosystem. Following the removal of dams along a 38-mile stretch of the river, the department’s Revegetation crew recently hand-sowed 11,500 pounds of native plant seeds between the former Iron Gate Dam and JC Boyle Reservoir.

Composting in Small Spaces

If you’re looking to cut your landfill waste, undo the effects of erosion, reduce your climate footprint, and fall in love with the regenerative magic of soil, your best first step is a simple one: composting (find out why HERE). But if you’re in an apartment, condo, or townhouse with no land of your own, […]

Women Voices from Global South Discussing Food Sovereignty and  Climate Change at COP 27

During COP 27, a group of women from Abya Yala raised their firm and deep voices to speak up about food sovereignty in regions that are so different and yet alike as America and Africa. The talk was organized by Regeneration International and OMANIAP.