Permaculture for Pregnancy

Permaculture Womens Guild

Permaculture can be used as a tool to improve all aspects of our lives. During pregnancy, its easy to become overwhelmed by the bombardment from media and people of what you ‘ should be’ doing, how you should look and what you should buy. Permaculture provides an empowering framework through which to curate pregnancy decisions.

Approaching menopause as a childfree woman

Permaculture Womens Guild

By Gudrun Cartwright As a woman in my late forties, I am definitely approaching menopause. I feel in that ‘peri’ state. Even though I am perpetually altered by chemical hormones, due to suffering from pre-menstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). My doctor tells me I can’t be feeling this because I am on the pill, but I know my hormones are still there. Just masked. I feel them every month as I move through my cycle. And I am also childfree. Purposefully so. It’s not that I didn’t want children. For many years I did. But for my husband and I, we…

The Best Advice

Permaculture Womens Guild

By Julia Pereira Dias Aren’t we the selfless ones? “My husband could save so much time, if only he’d listen to me,” sighs Diane. She used to do what most of us do when the other fails to comply: she repeated her instructions. Maybe, somehow, he overheard her casually mentioning 348 times that if he cut all the veggies first he could save at least four minutes every time he prepared a meal? Or maybe he did not. Instead of happily taking up Diane’s advice and changing the way he operates in the kitchen, he firmly invited Diane to leave.…