Using Permaculture Zones, Sectors and Layers to Create a Vibrant Garden

When you’re just beginning to design your permaculture property, the first question you’re likely to ask is “What to put where?” Should the compost be conveniently close to the house, or near the market garden to catch the waste? Should the chickens be housed near the kitchen garden, or in a chicken tractor out in […]

How to Compost Dog Poop – & Other Pet Waste Too

So, how to compost dog poop? Composting your pet’s poop at home is an excellent way to create even more nutrient-rich fertiliser for your garden soil, super-charging everything you grow within it. It’s something we do with our two little dogs and it’s surprisingly easy – although, depending on what type of pet you have,…

The post How to Compost Dog Poop – &

6 Simple Ways to Start Growing Your Own Food While Renting

Growing your own food is one of the most life-affirming things you can do AND you get to eat delicious veggies as a result. And it’s totally possible, even if you live in a small space or rental, or have a super-tight budget to work within.  To help get you started, Anna Matilda from The…

How to Make the Best-Ever Seed Raising Mix

Getting your seed-raising mix just right is super important for growing strong seedlings, which in turn become strong plants that produce mountains of edible deliciousness for you. While you can buy mixes from the shops, making your own is much cheaper and usually assures a higher-quality result than a commercial seed-raising mix. Plus, you get…

How to Make a Wild Food Map to Forage Your Local Neighbourhood

A wild food map is a simple way to identify and keep track of all the places where edible weeds, feral fruit, medicinal mushrooms and other yum things grow in your local area – so that, come late summer and autumn, many a happy weekend can be spent finding, picking and eating the bounty. Free,…

15 Ways to Start Permaculture Living in a Rental

So you’ve heard about permaculture living and reckon it sounds great, but aren’t quite sure how to get started while you’re living in a rental? Today, Anna Matilda from The Urban Nanna is going to show us 15 simple things you can try right away, no matter where you live – no garden required either.…