A statement by companies in the finnish food industry: regenerative agriculture should also be promoted by political decision making

Companies are working extensively to promote regenerative farming in domestic food production. However, a comprehensive change also requires political efforts. Carbon Action corporate partners are calling for concrete measures from policymakers to promote regenerative agriculture throughout the food system. Food companies support comprehensive measures to promote a more sustainable food system, to increase Finland’s security […]

Artikkeli A statement by companies in the finnish food industry: regenerative agriculture should also be promoted by political decision making julkaistiin ensimmäisen kerran Baltic Sea Action Group.

Third Baltic Sea commitment from Fazer – group continues its systematic work to protect the Baltic Sea

In its third Baltic Sea commitment, Fazer pledges to developing its production, operating methods and product selection in ways that support the ecological balance of the Baltic Sea and other waterways. The aim of the protection work is that as few nutrients as possible end up in the water systems. Fazer’s Baltic Sea commitment is […]

Artikkeli Third Baltic Sea commitment from Fazer – group continues its systematic work to protect the Baltic Sea julkaistiin ensimmäisen kerran Baltic Sea Action Group.